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Premium.Us - File Hosts Oficial Reseller
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- EメールでMexashareプレミアムバウチャーを即座に受け取ることができます
- You will get new Mexashare premium account IMMEDIATELY by email
MexaShare is a file sharing service, where you can upload your files and share it with your friends and public.
You can also use MexaShare to upload and store your files to download it later whenever you want, wherever you are.
Whenever you need to send a file that is too large for e-mail, MexaShare can help. If you need secure remote storage capacity for off-site backups, MexaShare offers solutions for you. If you want to access personal data from a variety of computers and don't want to carry around a USB stick, MexaShare is a perfect way of doing so.
Yes MexaShare is a free service, but for ultimate speed in both upload and download, and for more capacity of storage, and for a permanent storage you are recommended to buy a premium account.
For more information look at our offers for Mexashare Premium .
You can use our service to upload and store all types of files except the follwoing types which are strictly forbidden :
- Copyrighted materials
- Pornography and Nudity
- Child Pornography
- Radicalism and Terrorism materials
- Harmful software ( Viruses, Trojans, Malware ... etc)
All file extensions are allowed except " exe " files which we prevent in MexaShare for security reasons. if you want to upload any "exe" file, we advise you to convert it into rar then you can successfully uploading it.
You can do that either by using the delete link that you took after you upload the file, or you have to go to ( My Files ) then select the file (s) you want to delete, then click on ( Delete selected ) .
No, because not everyone wishes to share his/her files with everyone else. So MexaShare can be used to share your files with the people you choose, as well as our service can be used as a backup for your files or to download it from anywhere in the world.
No. Hotlinking is not allowed for any kind of files that uploaded to our servers.
1. You will receive a Mexashare premium key like this: 7999xxdlnd5774la
2. You should be log in : https://mexashare.com/login.html
( If you haven't account at Mexashare, you just need to sign up: https://mexashare.com/?op=registration )
3. Make sure you are logged in. Then access this link: https://mexashare.com/?op=my_account
4. Put your voucher code in field "Apply Premium Key", and click on "Apply"