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Customer Testimonials

Items 169 to 174 of 214 total

fantastic - it is good for longer than I expected. I am willing to pay the difference, or put it towards renewal.
Ron Anderson November 07, 2018
Good seller!!
Philip Attal November 06, 2018
There were a few problems but I was enthusiastic support, everything worked well
Jack Payne November 06, 2018

Overall, it's an easy process, but if the website is called "Instantly", I expected a more "instant" creation and delivery of the key I paid for. It's been 15 minutes now, and I have the receipt acknowledging payment, but I don't have the coupon necessary to upgrade my account to Premium.

Supporter: We offer instant delivery so if you do not receive premium by email, please follow this link to find your premium: https://premium.us/trackorder/

Boy Master November 05, 2018
It was a bit disappointing not to receive the key immediately, but in the end after 10 minutes, I got it. Thanks you
Keith Doppke November 04, 2018
It's been a very good experience so far and payments were really fast. I got my uploadboy key in 2s.. recommended!!
Michael Hendricks November 04, 2018

Items 169 to 174 of 214 total